After last weeks earthquake I took an informal survery of the people in my office to validate or invalidate the belief that doggs can sence earthquakes before they happen and/or dogs are very sensitive to earthquakes. Below are the responces to "What did your dogs do during the eartquake.
"At first I thought it was one of my dogs scratching int the bed or something, but when I sat up they were still asleep and other stuff in the room was moving around. I figured it was an earthquake."
"When I got up to see what was going on my dog lifted its head and looked at me then went back to sleep."
"I went down stair to check on the dogsthey were either asleep or not that concerned."
"My dogs were going crazy for 20-30 min."
"Really before the quake."
"No after I got out of bed and woke them up."
"I sat bolt upright in bed, my dog looked over at me like I was stupid."
Preliminary Conclusion:
Dogs do not have any earthquake ESP, also they are not particularly bright or aware of their surroundings, but are very loyal and love unconditionally (Warning: Love is expressed through licking).
It is still a very small sample size, so go ahead and add your earthquake dogs story in the comments. Maybe it is just special dogs that have "the gift".
1 comment:
I'd like to say that Ellie does have "the gift." She clearly sensed something was happening and came into our room frightened. Ellie slept the rest of the night in our room because she felt safer with us.
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