The Spike
Last week Cara and I got a new
tandem Tonino Lamborghini and after several missed deleveries and going to the scary FedEx Ground terminal to pick it up I finally got it home and put it together. The first test ride @ 1am was a little sketchy, and unstable. After I figured out that I had the front fork on backward it was substantially easier to get around on. also as an added bonus it was not hitting my shoe whenever I turned.

We took it on a 30 tour of the neighborhood on Tue (I did not want to get too far away from the house until after the test ride. Everything seemed good, but the back brakes were still pretty soft. I tightened those some more and hopefully everything will be fine.

I ordered some accessories on Thu off of "the internet". Including a computer so we will know what incredible speeds we reach and som lights for night biking. Hopefully they will be here next week. We rode the bike to church this morning and made pretty decent time. so you might see us more around town. If you do honk and wave. We will try not to swerve off the road or into your car.

Oh... the nickname... When we were discussing it I told Cara that I was going to order "this bike" (the one we had been discussing). She retorted with The Spike? This went on for some time.
I'm loving the photo of the foot and pedal...can you get that in cycling magazine?
hooray for the spike. can't wait to go riding with you two soon. and don't you love those 1am test rides?
Una bicicleta para dos. ¡Que bueno!
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