Hey rememeber how crappy blair witch project was...
Well cloverfield is 2 leat 5 times as horrible.
Yes that is right I am exactly 23:36 into the movie and i have almost puked twice.
seriously this is the worst thig I can ever seen. Cut shots of random crap...
That is the best part of the movie.
then there is all of the first person camera evcuation....
I think I am going t puke...
PS we all realized like 20 min ago that HUD the main characters name is the name ofa Japanese movie characers name.... bleh
ok now I am going t throw up... cut shots and rapid camera angles. Yeah, just like Blair witch, excetpt horrible. Dood this it the worst thing have ever seen...
Well it is 34 min in and I am giving up... Ill leave the rest of these suckers watching the movie ... I am going to bed L8R
Sometimes your grammar and spelling make me want to puke a little, but I don't stop reading your blog entries after the first 35 minutes...
I kid, I kid.
I feel sick just about any time I go to the theater to see a movie. Or even if I've been watching TV for longer than an hour. Blair Witch was my own personal hell. A friend of mine had to carry me out of the theater and get me some water.
I'm still carsick after a trip (Peoria --> Danville --> Urbana) this weekend. Ugh, nausea. A lot of times I feel like Lucille 2 from Arrested Development. I'm going to go take my malfunctioning inner ear and try to go to bed. Hope you recovered from your vomitous movie experience.
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